Jul 23Liked by JFresh

I'm fully with you on Quiet Things probably being my top NHL soundtrack song, and unquestionably top 3 if not. It's a shame the song has been tarnished in adulthood but childhood me would be rating it a 20/10 while blaring it on repeat. I'm also fully with you on 2004 being my favourite of the bunch. With many of the other games I tend to remember the songs I loved plus a few of the catchier tunes. With 2004 I vividly remember it all, despite how hard my brain futilely tries to protect itself from Sucked In.

Been loving these. Always come out of it with some really fun facts about the bands and the games. As someone who spent hours daily on GameFAQs back in the day I have no idea how I'm just now learning the AAF guys were in the game!!

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Aug 17Liked by JFresh

Quiet things is amazing and hooked me as a kid. I still love it to this day even though it hits harder as an adult. It’s pure nostalgic bliss for me tossing me back to playing NHL 04 in my childhood bedroom.

This is also where I started to get into heavier music due to Chapter Four. Avenged Sevenfold quickly became my favourite band to the point I got “Seize the day” as a tattoo at the ripe age of 19 (yeah thankfully it’s semi hidden).

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Jul 23Liked by JFresh

My favorite soundtrack, mostly because I spend ungodly amount of time playing the game. Introduced me to Brand New (most importantly), Deftones and The Ataris. I also loved Bowling for Soup, Gob and Avenged Sevenfold as a kid/teen. Also, Shatterday made me tear up when I won the cup as an 8 year old.

As a noted Freebishhead - to me their appeal stems purely from the catchiness and the early 2000s vibes they give off. "Leaving Town" is a quintessential early 00s coming of age movie summer bop.

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Shoutout Karlis Skrastins & Marty Skoula

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why is hoobastank taking strays? if you come for the king (butt rock) you better not miss.

great writing as always despite tragically incorrect music opinion on the beautiful earnestness of radio alt rock

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