Hard to argue with the premise of this article. I like JK as a player, even if third overall was a reach, but to paraphrase Drance's tweets on the matter: Bergie got burnt.
As a side note, thanks for this insanely quick write up, and for being so active on Twitter during these dog days of summer. For those of us who use the cycle of hockey news and chatter to distract ourselves from more important things, the player cards and jokes have been essential August content.
Lastly...L-O-L @ "offensive gifts". How have I not seen that pun used before?
Hard to argue with the premise of this article. I like JK as a player, even if third overall was a reach, but to paraphrase Drance's tweets on the matter: Bergie got burnt.
As a side note, thanks for this insanely quick write up, and for being so active on Twitter during these dog days of summer. For those of us who use the cycle of hockey news and chatter to distract ourselves from more important things, the player cards and jokes have been essential August content.
Lastly...L-O-L @ "offensive gifts". How have I not seen that pun used before?
Boy, I guess I'm not getting my four minutes back from from reading this garbage.